Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

UserActivitiesCost of Living Allowance (COLA) Calculations

1.Click the Salary Plan tab to open the Salary Plan grid.

2.Expand the tree column by clicking on the tree nodes or by clicking on the Expand Tree Nodes button on the main Toolbar.


3.If the COLA Columns are not currently visible, add the columns to the grid.


4.Set the COLA Factors.


5.Save and Apply Changes  by clicking on the Apply_Changes button on the main toolbar, or selecting File -> Save Changes from the Main Menu.

6.Enter a note in the Apply Adjustments text box (at least 10 characters), and then click Apply to finish saving the record.

Salary Plan Apply Adjustments

Salary Plan Apply Adjustments


1.Verify the COLA factors changed as expected.