Create a New Base Scenario

The process for creating a New Base year starts by creating a SnapShot Scenario from the existing Budget for the current year.  After the New Base Scenario is created, you can adjust the Assumptions and other factors as needed for the next school year.

Create Base Scenario Data Movements

Create Base Scenario Data Movements

Adm_NoteA New Base Scenario (Model, New Year, Base Year, Forecast) is created from an existing scenario because an existing Scenario already contains Assumptions, Account Groups and other Scenario Factors.  Creating a Scenario from scratch would require re-creating all these items manually.

UserActivitiesCreating a New Base Scenario

1.If the Scenario Explorer is not currently open, click the Scenario Explorer Scenario_Explorer button from the main toolbar.

2.From the hierarchical list or "tree" of Budget Scenarios, right-click on the Scenario you want to base your New Base on, and then select Create Scenario > New Base Scenario.

new base scenario menu select

3.Enter a note in the Apply Adjustments text box (at least 10 characters), and then click Apply to finish saving the record.

4.As the process begins you can see its progress at the bottom the Scenario Explorer on the Status line.  You can also view the entire Process Log by clicking the View Process Log button on the main toolbar or View>Process Log Procedure_Log.

New Base Log

Adm_NoteYou may see a status message indicating an empty session is being deleted.  As part of the Scenario Version process, the source Scenario is checked for any Empty or un-applied Sessions that do not have any Pending Adjustments.

5.The Procedure Log captures all the status and diagnostic messages created during the process. Once the New Scenario is created, a series of audits are performed to validate the new Model matches the Scenario it was created from. As each Audit Item is checked, the Value column of the log will indicate Balanced, ERROR, or WARNING. As long as there are no Items with a value of ERROR, the Scenario was created successfully.

Adm_TipAs processes run in  ESP™, the progress can be seen in the Process Log and you may see 2 types of log entries that should be reviewed.

WARNING A problem with the data has been detected and corrected if possible.  this is normally related to data irregularities which originate in you Accounting or Payroll system.

ERROR A problem with the internal processes has occurred and your support staff should be notified.

The Process log can be shown by clicking on the Procedure_Log  button in the toolbar or from the View -> Process Log menu.


1.In the Scenario Explorer you will see a new Modeling scenario appear in the next Model sequence. The New Scenario should appear against the left margin.

New Base Year Results

2.The values in the General Fund Current and General Fund Model columns represent the current budget values from the Accounting System for the General Fund.

6.Open the New Scenario by right-clicking the Scenario, and selecting Open Scenario. You can also double click the New Base Year Scenario.


1.The New Scenario should open and the Scenario Explorer should close.