Delete Employee Funding

Deleting an employee funding removes it from the Scenario. A Employee Funding can only be deleted if it is a Budgeted Position, or if it is Empty.  Multiple employees can be deleted from in the employee tree if all its child employees are also Empty.  

Adm_TipAn Employee Funding is considered Empty when the Current, Model, Baseline and Actuals Amount and FTE columns are 0.  You may need to add additional columns to the current grid view to see why a seemingly empty Employee Funding is not actually empty.

UserActivitiesDelete an Employee Funding

1.Click the Employees tab to open the Employees grid.

2.Right-click on the Employee Funding you want to delete, and select Delete.

Adm_NoteOnly Empty or Budgeted Employee Fundings may be deleted because of values in other data sets. Empty Employee Fundings have a silver cube symbol Overlay_Emptyin the outline column on the Employee Grid.



1.A small red X symbol appears next to the employee's name, which indicates that you need to click the Save Changes button to apply the deletion.


3.Save and Apply Changes  by clicking on the Apply_Changes button on the main toolbar, or selecting File -> Save Changes from the Main Menu.


4.Enter a note in the Apply Adjustments text box (at least 10 characters), and then click Apply to finish saving the record.

Adm_NoteOnce the changes are saved the employee's editable properties cannot be changed until the employee is Activated again.


The deleted employee funding is removed from the grid.
