Calculated Factors are used to perform various calculations based on changes happening within the Scenario.  Calculated Assumptions have two parts: the Trigger conditions that trigger the calculation and the Calculations themselves.  The Calculated Assumptions are hierarchical and can be nested by the type of calculations they perform.  When nesting, only the lowest level Calculated Assumptions can have a Trigger and Calculations.

The most common use of the Calculated Factors is to calculate the Employee fixed costs and fringe benefits based on Salary Amounts and the Salary Accounts Account Group.

Assumption Configuration





A descriptive name for the assumption.


When checked the Assumption will be calculated during Budget adjustments and Recalculations.


As shown below, ESP™ watches for any changes to the Amount column in any Element that has an Account ID in the Salary Accounts Account Group.




Account Group

Any changes to the Source Field value of a Budget Item whose Budget Element String (BES) contains an Account element contained in the named Account Group will trigger the calculation(s).

BESM Trigger

Any changes to a Budget Item whose Budget Element String is contained within the Budget Element String Mask (BESM) triggers the calculation(s).

Source Column

The Source Field of the Budget Item to monitor.  This is typically the Amount column





Source Group

The Account Group the Aggregate Function will apply to.

Aggregate Function

Because there may be more than one member of the Salary Accounts Account Group within the same Budget Element String as our Result Account, we need to make sure we add, or SUM the Model Amount columns.

SUM: The Sum of the source field values.

None: No aggregate function.

Source Field

The Model Amount of the Elements specified in the Watch configuration will be used as the basis of the calculation.


The static factor for the calculation. For the Social Security Admin. calculation, 0.0765 is the Employer's portion as defined by the federal government.

Factor Field

Not used in this calculation. The system will assume a value of 1.

BESM Result

The result of any calculation is placed in a specific account, for this example Social Security Administration is selected.

Result Field

The result of the calculation is placed in the Model Amount column of the Social Security Administration Element


As shown below, the Model Amount is calculated as: [$919,132 * 1 * 0.0765%] = $70,314.
