The Financials grid is the primary place for working with a Scenario's Financial Budget Items. Element data is displayed based on the Scenario Scope displayed on the Scope Bar.
In ESP™, ultimately every activity, either directly or indirectly, affects a Financial Budget Item in one way or another. Simple Budget Item adjustments can be made to directly change a single value, or more complex adjustments such as a Spread Adjustment which prorates a given dollar amount or percent over many Budget Element Strings are possible.
Item |
Icon |
Description |
Item |
Icon |
Description |
Asset - Fund Balance |
Grant Float |
Attached File |
Grant Indirect Charges |
Attached Note |
Inflation |
Attached Note & File |
New Item |
Calculated |
Persistent Adjustment |
Calculated Benefits |
Preserved Amount |
Duplicate Item |
Reconcile Select |
Edit - Adding |
Reconciled |
Edit - Changed |
Revenue |
Edit - Delete |
Salary |
Edit -User Added |
Salary Roll-Up |
Empty - No Delete |
Split Budget Item |
Empty Item |